Psalm of the Day                                                         Bread of Life                                                             Psalm 119:1-8


Psalm 119:1-8


1Blessèd are those whose way is | blameless,*

      who walk in the law | of the Lord!

2Blessèd are those who keep his testi- | monies,*

      who seek him with their | whole heart,

3who also | do no wrong,*

      but walk | in his ways!

4You have commanded your | precepts*

      to be kept dil- | igently.

5Oh that my ways may be | steadfast*

      in keeping your | statutes!

6Then I shall not be | put to shame,*

      having my eyes fixed on all your com- | mandments.

7I will praise you with an | upright heart,*

      when I learn your just and righ- | teous decrees.

8I will keep your | statutes;*

      do not utterly for- | sake me!